Answers to Common Vaginal Questions

woman questioning

Vaginal health can be difficult to talk to your doctor about, but the urogynecologists at Vaginal Health Center near Atlanta are experts in female pelvic health and have heard it all. No question is ever  too silly or too embarrassing to ask. Their priority is helping women understand their bodies so they can enjoy living life to the fullest.

Following are answers to 12 common questions that women have about their vaginas.

1. Will my vagina get bigger for childbirth?

Childbirth can be an intimidating experience to mentally prepare for, but your vagina will prepare itself. The vagina and vaginal canal will stretch to allow the baby to pass through during labor. Many women notice that their vaginal canal feels wider, looser, or drier after childbirth, and that’s normal. Typically, you can expect the vaginal canal to return to somewhat of the pre-birth state about 2-6 months after childbirth.

Learn more about the physical changes you can expect to occur after childbirth.

2. Does my vagina stay stretched out after childbirth?

Many factors come into play when talking about the vagina’s ability to snap back into its pre-birth state after childbirth. The vagina is somewhat elastic and the pressure of pregnancy and birth on the pelvic floor can cause changes in the vaginal muscles, but it is still possible the vagina can return to the way it was before. You might have significant vaginal stretching that remains after childbirth depending on:

  • The difficulty of birth
  • The size of the baby
  • If there is tearing during delivery

The vagina might also continue to feel stretched out or looser because it is wider and may have had some damage. Regardless of childbirth, aging can also weaken the vaginal muscles.

If your vagina feels too loose, learn more about what can be done if it is bothersome or becoming an issue.

3. How long is the vaginal canal?

You might be surprised to hear that the vaginal canal is not as big as you might think – most women have a vaginal canal that is three to six inches long. For reference, it is approximately the length of your hand. Your vaginal canal can vary in certain situations, like during sex or childbirth.

If you notice your vagina seems too shallow or short, it might be a sign of a medical condition that needs treatment. Help is available.

4. Does the vagina get longer when aroused?

Yes, the vaginal canal can get longer to accommodate penetration during sex. When sexual aroused, the cervix and uterus lifts, which in turn causes the upper portion of your vagina to lengthen.

5. Does the clitoris also get bigger when aroused?

When you’re aroused, your clitoris does get bigger. The clitoris can swell and retract, meaning that it hides under its hood. While it isn’t a dramatic change, it does happen.

6. Do I need to do Kegels?

The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, uterus, rectum, and small intestine. Kegel exercises are helpful and recommended to strengthen those muscles. Your pelvic floor muscles may weaken due to:

  • Childbirth
  • Surgeries
  • Aging
  • Straining from constipation or coughing
  • Weight gain

7. Will my labia change with childbirth?

While it may not be a dramatic change, it will most likely be somewhat different. If you’ve had an episiotomy or tore during childbirth, your labia could be asymmetrical, discolored, or even larger. Scar tissue can also form around your vagina and labia, over time, and can cause intercourse to be uncomfortable.

If you notice your genitalia or labia is causing discomfort, a Urogynecologist can help. Urogynecologists are physicians who are board-certified in both OB/GYN and FPMRS (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery). Here at Vaginal Health Center, we are uniquely qualified to treat female pelvic reconstruction.

8. Do all vaginas look the same?

Just like people, vaginas are all unique. Some vaginas are smaller, bigger, asymmetrical, or varying colors. While there may be average sizes and shapes, everyone’s genitalia are unique and somewhat different.

9. Why is the skin of my genitals darker than my other skin?

It’s completely normal for the skin of your genitals to be a different color from the rest of your skin. Colors can range from reddish, brownish, or purple/pink. Your genitals may also get darker when you’re aroused, and that is also normal. The color of your clitoris and inner lips (labia minora) can change due to the swelling from the blood flow to the area.

However, if you notice any unusual or atypical skin color changes, you may have an infection or a medical condition. To assure you don’t have an underlying condition or an infection, see your doctor to see if treatment is necessary.

10. Do I need my pubic hair? Or should I shave it?

That choice is a personal preference. Having or not having hair does not affect the health of your vagina.

11. Do I need to douche to keep my vagina clean?

OB/GYNs highly recommend that you do NOT douche. Since the vagina cleans itself naturally, there is no need to douche. In fact, douching can have the opposite effect of cleaning your vagina. When you douche, you are stripping your vagina of the natural, healthy microbes, as well as temporarily change the natural acidity and can cause buildup of harmful bacteria. Douching causes your vagina to be vulnerable to an infection or a sexually transmitted infection.

12. Should my vagina have an odor? And why does it smell differently sometimes?

Certain foods, supplements, or changing your diet can cause your vagina to smell different. It is also natural for your vaginal odor to change in intensity and smell throughout menstruation. Having an odor coming from your vagina can be concerning, but it’s completely normal.

However, if you notice a foul odor, or a thick and greenish discharge, contact your doctor as it is possible that you have an infection or a bacterial imbalance. Medication can be prescribed to help treat an underlying condition.

Your Doctor Can Help

Your vaginal health is important. Please speak up and talk honestly and openly with your doctor. No question is too silly to ask, and remember if you have a specific question, chances are other women do, too. Your doctor is here for you, to help you fully understand your body and to ensure that you are as healthy as possible.

Vaginas are unique and vary from woman to woman—from the smell, size, color, and shape. But, if you’re concerned about anything related to your vaginal health, schedule an appointment with your doctor. To schedule an appointment with one of our Urogynecologists, call 770.721.6060 or request an appointment online.