I’m getting the O-Shot today to help with my low sex drive. The O-Shot is a quick, in-office procedure to help with urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. I have suffered from low libido for many years, and it’s even caused issues in my marriage, so I’m excited to try this.

It’s a beautiful, sunny day in March as I drive to Vaginal Health Center. I’m nervous and excited at the same time about this procedure. However, my nerves settle when I recall other women’s success stories. I’m hoping to add my O-Shot experience to the increasing list of women who have had incredible results.

As a full-time working mother in my early 30s, my libido has gone to nearly nonexistent levels.  While this topic isn’t something most women feel comfortable talking about, I know I’m not alone. Nearly half of women report suffering from some level of sexual dysfunction in their life. Even though I’m happily married, I carry guilt about my low sexual drive, so I’m excited to try the O-Shot.


My Appointment with Dr. Litrel

I walk into the office at Vaginal Health Center and the young woman at the front desk smiles at me as I sign in. Her pleasant face and kind eyes put my nerves at ease while I try not to think too hard about what I’ve signed myself up for.

I get called back into the exam room, where I undress from the waist down and wait for my doctor. Shortly after, Dr. Michael Litrel, a double board-certified urogynecologist, enters the room and explains the beginning of the procedure. He starts by applying a generous layer of Lidocaine gel that needs to sit for at least twenty minutes. The Lidocaine was cold, but I’d take cold over pain any day.

Shortly after, a nurse comes into the room and begins to take my blood to get it ready for the centrifuge. She tells me she has heard lots of great things about the procedure, which helps assure me that I have made the right decision. Dr. Litrel comes back in, puts the blood in the centrifuge, and we wait ten more minutes.

While waiting for the Lidocaine to kick in, I soak up the quiet time. Being a full-time working mom of two young boys, these extra few minutes of alone time are great. I let my mind wander as I’m scrolling through social media and emails on my phone.

If We Can’t Laugh About This…

The ten minutes are up, and Dr. Litrel starts to add calcium carbonate to the blood in two separate syringes. He explains how one of the syringes is for my vagina, and the other one is for my clitoris. To calm my nerves, I make a joke “Well, I guess if you’re going to have a needle in your vagina, you want a female pelvic reconstructive surgeon in charge of it.” We both chuckle at my joke and he reassures me the procedure will only take a few minutes.

To assure I don’t feel the larger needles, I needed two Lidocaine injections. Dr. Litrel explains, “Some women feel absolutely nothing at all, and others feel the tiniest prick.” I fell into the ‘tiniest prick’ category, but it was not painful, just slightly uncomfortable. Especially since I’ve had two children, I could handle the discomfort.

Over in Just a Few Minutes

Dr. Litrel starts the first PLP (platelet-rich plasma) injection once I’m completely numb. The entire procedure is over in just a few minutes. Dr. Litrel explains that I may want to wear a panty liner for the next couple of days just in case I experience any bleeding. Additionally, he wants me to wait at least 48 hours before I resume any sexual activity. Throughout the procedure, Dr. Litrel and his team are very comforting and conscientious of my feelings, which I really appreciate.

Just as Dr. Litrel said, the procedure itself did not take long, only about 45 minutes, and most of that time was waiting for the Lidocaine to take effect.

I leave the office feeling enthusiastic and proud that I did this for myself, and grateful to Dr. Litrel and Vaginal Health Center.

Later that day, I felt slight discomfort while sitting in a hard-back chair, but that was relieved by a couple of ibuprofens. The next morning I woke with mild swelling but no pain and no terrible side effects. I was relieved and so excited.

My Sex Drive is Back!

I am so happy I got the O-Shot! My sex drive has grown higher than any expectations and I am more than impressed. And not only when the mood is set but even during the middle of the day. I purposely didn’t tell my husband that I’d gotten the O-Shot initially just to be sure that first experience was authentic. It was!

I would absolutely recommend the O-Shot to other women. In fact, a couple of women I know personally have gotten the procedure. We all shared the same results, and agree that the O-Shot is amazing! Like myself, one shared she has longer and stronger lasting orgasms after the shot. The other explained that her urinary incontinence was treated completely.

Life in general, with all its demands, can take a toll on a woman’s libido but a healthy sex life is important, so I’m so happy women have a treatment available to help. It’s great that I want to be intimate with my husband now, more than ever, and it’s all thanks to the O-Shot.

If You Suffer from Low Sex Drive, Help is Available

There’s no need to suffer from low libido or reduced sexual drive. Our vaginal health experts are board-certified urogynecologists so you’ll be sure to receive the most excellent care available. Call us today for an appointment at 770.721.6060.