Finding a Pelvic Prolapse Doctor – Susan’s Story

Susan had classic symptoms of pelvic prolapse. She felt like she constantly had to urinate and sometimes she didn’t make it to the restroom in time. Additionally, she experienced leakage and her urinary tract infections also didn’t respond to antibiotics. These symptoms were severely affecting her quality of life. She needed help.

An appointment with her gynecologist revealed that she had pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Susan’s doctor explained that prolapse occurs when the tissue and muscles of the pelvic floor no longer support the pelvic organs. This results in the dropping – or prolapse – of the pelvic organs. These organs include the vagina, bladder, cervix, uterus, urethra, and rectum.

Surgery for prolapse is not required for all women. However, Susan was told surgery was her best option to get back her quality of life, so she started researching prolapse treatment options. She learned that a common surgery option is to cut through the abdomen, which was not an option she wanted to pursue.

She also learned that certain doctors have the training to perform the surgery vaginally. A vaginal surgery would be less intrusive and would typically involve a quicker recovery period. Susan felt this is what she wanted to do.

Susan Pelvic Prolapse Patient Story

Finding a Pelvic Prolapse Expert

A urogynecologist is a specialist who has the expertise and unique training needed to perform the surgery vaginally.

“I knew I needed a doctor with the unique training needed to perform my prolapse surgery vaginally. I eventually found Dr. James Haley of Vaginal Health Center. Upon reading his credentials, I knew he was just the doctor for me.”

She felt very comfortable with Dr. Haley because he has extensive knowledge of pelvic prolapse. He had also performed the surgery many times and is double board-certified in urogynecology.

Surgery Day

Dr. Haley determined that Susan needed a total vaginal hysterectomy, and an anterior, posterior and enterocele repair. Additionally, Susan was 65 years old so she knew the longer she waited, the more difficult the recovery might be. She immediately scheduled the surgery.

It was a success, and Susan was able to go home after staying at the hospital for 24 hours.  She returned to work on a limited basis three weeks later. However, she reduced her activity level as she still had some discomfort and was healing.

Susan’s prolapse surgery was three months ago and she is feeling back to normal. Above all, she no longer experiences any of the symptoms she had before her surgery.

“I highly recommend Dr. Haley, as finding an expert in pelvic prolapse surgery made all the difference to my quality of life.”

Advice for Others with Pelvic Prolapse

Susan’s advice for women is that if you are experiencing symptoms that interfere with your day-to-day activities as I was, don’t wait, seek help from an expert in pelvic health.