
The Need for Rectocele Repair

Vaginal Health Center patient, Abby, chose Dr. Peahen Gandhi to perform her rectocele repair surgery. Just one month post-surgery, she talks about her excellent experience and sheds light on what prompted her to seek treatment.

“My journey with Dr. Gandhi began after I underwent a rectocele repair procedure performed by another surgeon, which unfortunately did not yield the desired results, leaving me in considerable discomfort. Additionally, my battle with endometriosis was causing me severe pain.”  Abby continued, “Dr. Gandhi’s approach was marked by patience and attentive listening. Her compassionate demeanor instantly struck a chord with me, making it easy to broach even the most sensitive questions that often lurk in one’s mind. She also possesses a wonderful sense of humor!”

Following a thorough physical examination and a candid discussion about her concerns, Dr. Gandhi introduced the possibility of a perineal repair, or perineoplasty, to be performed concurrently with the rectocele repair. Abby shared, “My trust in Dr. Gandhi’s expertise led to a unanimous decision to proceed with both procedures, swiftly scheduling the surgery. Throughout the surgical process, Dr. Gandhi ensured that my husband was kept well informed. She personally visited me after the surgery and even sent a caring text that night to check on my well-being. This exceptional bedside manner continued to be a cornerstone of her care during my recovery.”

Recovery After Rectocele Repair

“At my first follow-up appointment, Dr. Gandhi probed into my pain level and hormonal balance, reaffirming her commitment to my well-being.” Abby could sense the genuine care Dr. Gandhi had for her patients, a stark contrast to her previous surgical experience. Abby expressed gratitude, recalling how her initial surgeon had essentially dismissed her during recovery.

Now, five weeks post-operation, Dr. Gandhi still closely monitors her progress and is unwavering in her dedication to ensuring a full and complication-free recovery. “She won’t discharge you until she is absolutely certain that everything is in perfect order. Besides the exceptional care I received, I must emphasize that the surgery itself was far less painful than my initial experience. Within a mere couple of weeks, I was able to sit upright and use the restroom without discomfort which was an immense relief. The healing process has been remarkable, and the benefits of the perineal repair are simply astounding. It feels incredibly snug! I’m already extremely impressed with the rectocele repair too. I can’t express my gratitude enough for what Dr. Gandhi has done for me,” Abby shares.

Our FPMRS Surgeons Can Help

If you’re facing similar issues as Abby did, our team of double board-certified urogynecologists is dedicated to providing you with exceptional care. You can rest assured that we offer the highest standard of treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today at 770.721.6060 to schedule an appointment or request a free consultation online.