A Bladder Lift Cured my Incontinence

A bladder lift cured Gabrielle’s incontinence. “My incontinence was caused by a prolapsed bladder. But all I knew is I had to use the bathroom ALL the time,” our patient Gabrielle explained. “I never leaked, but I knew every bathroom in town. My husband used to say he hated running errands with me because I would have to use the bathroom at every stop.”

“I was in my mid 40s when I started getting this odd sensation that my bladder had fallen. That’s the only way I could describe it. It continued to get worse until it became this constant pressure. It was never painful but when I exercised, I felt this constant pressure. It affected everything I did.”

Urogynecologist Dr. James Haley

“I made an appointment with my gynecologist Dr. James Haley. As a board-certified urogynecologist in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, he’s an expert on conditions of the female pelvic floor, such as bladder prolapse, urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, so I knew he could help me.

Gabrielle prolapsed bladder patient photo

Choosing a Bladder Lift

“Dr. Haley diagnosed me with a prolapsed bladder, which I learned was a common problem for women my age. It can be caused by childbirth, menopause, strain or obesity. He went on to explain that prolapsed bladder is a condition where the bladder drops down from lack of support. The bladder is held in place by pelvic floor muscles and tissues, but they can weaken over time, causing the bladder to fall from its normal position and slip down into the vagina. In severe cases, the bladder may dangle completely outside of the vagina.

While I learned that there are multiple treatment options available for prolapsed bladder, I ultimately chose a surgical bladder lift because I wanted a permanent solution.

“Dr. Haley and that surgery literally changed my life. It’s been five years and I’ve never had a problem. And the crazy bathroom trips have stopped!”

When to Make an Appointment

If you notice that you have any of these symptoms and you suspect a prolapsed bladder, you should see your doctor immediately. This is not a condition that repairs itself. It usually worsens over time. However, it can be fixed, thanks to many modern methods available today.

Dr. Michael Litrel, Dr. Peahen Gandhi, and Dr. James Haley are double board-certified urogynecologists, as well as OB/GYNs with decades of experience. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) is a surgical sub-specialty addressing the problems women experience with the changes to their anatomy from having children and pelvic prolapse.

To schedule an appointment, call our office today at 770.721.6060 or request an appointment online.